MOLDENE is a company that designs, develops, and produces moulds for the Die Casting and Plastic Industry under the motto ‘details lead to perfection’.
in the 80’s, it tells a story that is over 30 years old, which enables it to be
recognised as a reference in the Design and Production of Moulds by resorting
to the most recent technology and qualified human assets. Settled in Marinha
Grande – Central Portugal –, it counts on a manufacturing area that is over
6000m2, which includes administrative areas, customer support services, Project
Development Office, Prototyping, Production, Tests, and Shipping. It also has
the capacity for Plastic Injection, since it is part of an injection factory. MOLDENE
is the favoured Technological Partner from the initial stage of the product’s
project / model to its development and completion.
has the capacity to optimise moulds through mould-filling / cooling/ warping
(Moldflow) studies, it has an Engineering Department with a 3D Project that is
capable of communicating with any computerised form. It has Machining available
through machining centres that count on the support of specific software and
carries out top quality Adjustments and finishes.
it provides Injection Support by means of tests, pre-series, and production of
plastic parts with high Quality Control at all times. MOLDENE works on a
Quality Management Policy through Lean Methodologies and Process Management
within a constant respect for the Environment and Natural Resources following Social
Responsible behaviour, and collaborating with the Local Community.
details make perfection, but perfection is no small detail.’
Michel Angelo.
you wish to receive a presentation About Us and What We Do?
Please contact us.
and Stipo see Customers as partners, and from this partnership comes
information and knowledge, which allows for Organisations to improve. However,
we deem it of prime importance to continue providing our Customers with top
services. By taking this position, the Organisations decided to implement their
Quality Management System in accordance with the EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
undertaking to comply with the applicable requirements (legal, standard, and
others) and the following principles:
The level we have reached is not static, the Organisations will continue to climb the ‘Quality Ladder’ by investing in continuous improvement, increasing our know-how, and committing to the decrease of non-conformities, hence strengthening our position in the market before our current and potential Customers.
Av. D. Dinis, Ferraria
2445-076 Pataias
Tel. +351 244 587 050
Fax. +351 244 587 059
GPS: 39.678359,-8.978517